01. Website Optimization Webcasts Intro

Website Optimization Webcasts Intro

Webcasts for the Website Optimization Project

Need some additional help getting started with the Website Optimization Project, or simply curious and want to learn a little bit more? Watch the following Webcasts!

These webcasts are recordings of live Q&A sessions and demos. They have been edited to be shorter and more relevant to newer rubrics. As always, you should read the appropriate rubric for your project thoroughly before you begin work on any project and double check the rubric before submitting. They videos were made by Udacity's coaches. Think of them as extra supplemental materials. You can find an archive of our webcasts in their entirety in the discussion forums under Webcasts Summaries.

Here you will find webcasts on the project rubric, tips on achieving a better PageSpeed Score and increase framerate, how and why to use a build tools like Grunt, how to host your site in order to used PageSpeed and a video with various Q & A.

The webcasts for Website Optimization Project include:

  1. About Website Optimization Project and the Rubric
  2. Tips - PageSpeed score
  • 00:00 Modifying your CSS for beter PageSpeed score
  • 02:19 Inlining code for production
  1. Tips - Increasing Framerate (FPS)
  2. Advanced Topic - Build Tools (Grunt)
  • 00:00 Installing and running Grunt
  • 05:43 Why use Grunt?
  1. Advanced topic - Hosting your site to use PageSpeed
  2. Q & A
  • 00:00 How can I interpret vague and cryptic PageSpeed suggestions?
  • 01:54 Can I load different image resolutions based on device/screen size?
  • 03:14 What does it mean to use batch updates to avoid multiple layout events?
  • 05:11 Do we need to worry about framerate during page load or only on scrolling and pizza resize?
  1. Update to Chrome Dev Tools for Chrome 48 on February 29, 2016
  • See the forum post here!

Happy Learning!